Adulting is Hard – MCFTM


I have been thinking a lot lately. Truth be told we all have been thinking a lot lately. When is the last time someone told you to do your best? Come on… think about it. If you’re like most it was somewhere around 8th grade when those encouraging but challenging words stopped. Those words were sincere and forced us to be introspective and examine whether our best was good enough in the first place. Why did we stop hearing that? Did adults get together years ago and decide your best would simply not cut it anymore once you’re old enough to get your permit? In high school, doing your best turned into doing better than others. College ratchets the sentiment up even more until finally you enter the workforce. Adulting is hard but nobody ever informed us it would require more than our best. Well, that’s all about to change!

Imagine sitting in your annual review and your boss says, did you do your best? What a strange but motivating meeting that would be. The truth is we don’t always give it our best but that does not reflect on us being worthless. You and I were made just right for exactly the task at hand. Sometimes our effort needs to catch up with our gifting but I’m here to say your best is good enough. You are good enough.

So, get after the week knowing you were perfectly prepared to take on the challenges of today! 

Do your best!
Matt Davenport

Adulting is Hard