Entries by Matt Davenport



Today is June 15th, 2020. There has never been another day quite like today in the history of the planet. Are you anxious or excited about what the day will bring? Most pessimists are plagued with the mindset that they have no choice in the outcome of their days, months, or years. This sky is […]



How many times have you said in the past few months, I can’t wait until we get back to normal? I hear that phrase uttered every day as an attempt to explain our frustration with the thought of losing something we had. I get it. I want things to return to normal as much as […]



Nearly 80 days ago, our whole world turned upside down. Stay at home orders, fear of the unknown and so much more consumed the thoughts and minds of everyday people like myself. Part of holding things together is repetition and routine. These humdrum activities don’t get enough credit for us staying grounded by practicing the […]


Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter

Why do we value our own opinion so much? I believe it comes from years of being hurt and discouraged to the point that the only person we trust is ourselves.  The further we move through this pandemic the more I realize how emotionally underdeveloped I really am. I’m blessed to own a business, be […]


You Can’t Grow in Sweatpants

Most of us are working diligently in pursuit of someday not working at all. Ever since Social Security was introduced by FDR, we define the American dream as not having to do anything for anybody. We wrap up this sentiment in one word – retirement.  This dream is not inspiring, it simply sounds like relief. […]

Free Advice

People love giving free advice. Pre-Corona, my wife and I would walk through stores with our kids and strangers would approach us with unwarranted tips and tricks. I could spot them from aisles away and knew they were headed our direction. I always laughed to myself and ask the question in my head, “What prompted […]


Failure is Fertilizer

What is failure? The more I think about failure the more I’m unsure of what it is. Failure in and of itself seems like it warrants a simple definition. I picture Alex Trebek calling out the category Loser.  But the deeper I dive into great men and women throughout history it becomes clear that the […]


Seal Team Costco – MCFTM

Recently, my wife and I made a trip to Costco to grocery shop in hopes of not returning to the store for several weeks. The challenge is that we have 9 people living in our house right now. My wife, 5 kids and the in-laws make shopping in bulk a necessity. Going to Costco at […]



If you have ever been around children, you have heard them shout Mine! My wife and I have 5 kids and we have heard our fair share of these proclamations. Namely, around food, remote controls or iPads. What is that? At a young age, we put on display the sheer force of who we truly […]


Adulting is Hard – MCFTM

I have been thinking a lot lately. Truth be told we all have been thinking a lot lately. When is the last time someone told you to do your best? Come on… think about it. If you’re like most it was somewhere around 8th grade when those encouraging but challenging words stopped. Those words were […]