Free Advice

People love giving free advice. Pre-Corona, my wife and I would walk through stores with our kids and strangers would approach us with unwarranted tips and tricks. I could spot them from aisles away and knew they were headed our direction. I always laughed to myself and ask the question in my head, “What prompted that lady to go out of her way to provide insight on how she navigated the ups and downs of parenting in the ’70s.” Yet, here I am on the verge of walking up to you all and giving you advice that was not requested. 

One of the benefits of the virtual format is that you can’t really object or walk away. In fact, if you are still reading, this free advice is probably for you. So here it is…Walk don’t Run. Lifeguards have made careers out of sharing this advice with youngsters destined to slip on wet pool decks. Our youngest daughter is learning to walk. She has been crawling for several months and just recently has mustered the courage to let go of the furniture. She started with one step and now you can see here deliberating the fact that crawling is safe, but walking is going to take me places crawling can’t. 

Nobody has ever asked, “When did your kids start running?” They always want to know when they walked. Running is simple when you know how to walk. Too often, we run through life and put terms like goals, objectives, and achievements in place of the word occupied. Due to the pandemic, many of us have been required to slow our pace and take inventory of what is important. We are collectively hearing the lifeguard yell at us, WALK. 

Walking through life gives you the opportunity to enjoy the view, smell the roses, and meet fellow walkers along the way. This week, I encourage you all to walk. We can’t run past this virus and we certainly can’t pretend it hasn’t been difficult. What we can control is the speed at which we walk through this together. Most of the free advice givers typically end their council with, “Enjoy this time it goes fast.” Usually, I would give a patronizing thank you to these closing thoughts but this time I say thank you. You are right, it does go fast, and I am committed to enjoying every step.

Have a great week, 

Matt Davenport
