
Did you ever have growing pains as a kid? I did and they were very uncomfortable and painful. The bright side was that I knew that pain had a purpose, and it was a clear sign that I was growing. When purpose is identified in any activity our perspective changes.

Today we honor Martin Luther King Jr. He was not a perfect man by any stretch of the imagination, but he was a man with a purpose. He was quoted saying life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others? His purpose was clear and as result, he bettered our country and inspired growth around the world.

Let’s take your health for example, maintaining your weight requires a balancing act between exercise and discipline. It would be fantastic if you could establish a health standard for yourself and hit a maintenance button that required no work. Unfortunately, there is not an app for that.

Growing with purpose is different than pursuing growth. To acquire new business or new relationships for the sake of growth is shallow and an exercise in futility. Pursuing new business or relationships for the purpose of serving others is deep and long-lasting. As your Chief Encouragement Office, I want us all to grow this year, but I want us to pursue growth that is generational. Growth is good, Growth with purpose changes the world.

Get Growing,

Matt Davenport
