
Today is June 15th, 2020. There has never been another day quite like today in the history of the planet. Are you anxious or excited about what the day will bring? Most pessimists are plagued with the mindset that they have no choice in the outcome of their days, months, or years. This sky is falling ideology is a false narrative that handicaps our mind into a robotic manner in which we look for negative outcomes to prove our self-fulfilling prophecies. The truth is you do have a choice. The choice between how we decide what the day will be like is a very thin margin. One can either declare, I’m so anxious because I don’t know how this day will turn out or decide to say I’m so excited because I have no idea how this day will turn out. 

Words are important! The words we use and the way in which we use them have the opportunity to either build someone up or tear them down. Why would we use the finite time we have on this planet to spread anything other than seeds of encouragement? I think the simple answer is we don’t fully understand and appreciate the power of our words. 

Pause for a second… think of a recent time when someone’s words were essential to getting where you wanted to go. These words are like volunteers handing out Gatorade as you past mile 20 on your way to finishing the marathon. They give you that little bit of extra that you didn’t know you had left in the tank. It may have been from a coworker, a coach, or some passerby but the point is you remember it. You have that same opportunity today. 

Personally speaking, I love the phrase Good Morning. What is better than walking by a stranger and they optimistically look at you and say those basic but inspiring words. This phrase feels like it is reserved for Saturday morning walks or vacation strolls. Most likely because we are all so self-focused during the week that we don’t think to take a moment to share those encouraging words. To all those strangers that have passed by me and spoken that phrase, I say thank you. You’re right! It is a good morning, I’m breathing, the sun is shining, and I can’t wait to see how the day will turn out.

Be encouraged,

Matt Davenport

Words are Important document