
We have all done it. You park the car and confidently open the oversize doors of your local mall. You pay attention to where you are parked but not as much to which side of the mall you should have parked on. You are focused on finding Wetzel Pretzel or some other thing you don’t really need, and then in a moment, you realize that you are lost.

Suddenly you see that odd structure proudly presenting the map of the mall. As you make your way over to the board you see a few other folks who are just as lost as you are. This informational display has now become a water cooler for people who don’t have all the answers but know where to go if they need them. Behold, there it is, the red dot proclaiming YOU ARE HERE.

That red dot is quite profound. Just when you think you and those around you are lost that little red ray of hope appears. The truth is most of us are lost because we parked ourselves on the wrong side of reality. Being lost assumes that you’re in the wrong place. I disagree, being lost while earnestly seeking being found is a magical place. It’s a place that leads to a deep and triumphant revelation about who you are and where you are supposed to be.

It would be fantastic if these maps were in plain site throughout every stage of our life. The reality is the maps are there they are just not utilized enough. The maps for your life come in the shape of real friends, real community, and real relationships. These real signs tell us the truth when we think we are lost. These living breathing signs affirm that you are here, and you matter.

Make it a great week,

Matt Davenport
