Post Traumatic Growth Opportunity. This phrase came to my mind when listening to a recent Simon Sinek podcast discussing how people respond to challenges. We face trauma in various ways throughout our days and weeks. When these dramatic events occur, we get to decide whether these events will serve us or damage us down the road. Quite astonishing when we say it like that. Situation arises, goes sideways, we choose which bucket to place it in- future building or future baggage.
I began my journey towards optimism 12 years ago. The catalyst was desperation. When you are starting a business, any negative thoughts have to be immediately wrapped up and thrown out the window. Why? Because negative thoughts lead to negative actions and negative actions lead to negative results. Plus, being positive costs the same as being negative. So why not flip the script and say this is going to be great.
With a PTGO mindset, almost anything life throws at you feels like an opportunity to learn. We need to recategorize difficult times from failure to data collection. I have been collecting data my whole life and that data is now protecting me from potholes down the road. The smartest PTGO mind setters hang around with folks that have already blown out a few tires and are eager to share their data points with you.
As your Chief Encouragement Officer, I would like to challenge the readers this week to do something nice for a stranger. This simple act of benevolence will set your week off on the right trajectory. One thing is for sure when we think less about ourselves and more about others, life seems to add up.