
A Simple & Easy Guide to Properly Watering Your Trees in Orange County

Trees are a vital part of our ecological system. They provide oxygen, improve air quality, contribute to climate amelioration, conserve water, preserve soil, and even support wildlife. On a more personal level, it helps to have trees around your property. They not only beautify your surroundings, but they also provide shade and tend to make the whole property a little more pleasant.

Taking care of your trees is paramount to ensuring that they stay healthy and stress-free for as long as possible. There is regular upkeep for your trees that you can practice to help maintain them for a very long time. If there’s one vital aspect of this upkeep that every homeowner can do, it is watering your trees properly. Watering your trees entails knowing the best time to do so, the amount of water you need, effective watering methods to employ, and the type of tree species you’re watering, among other things.

That said, here’s everything you need to know about how to water your trees properly. Follow our simple and easy guide to help your trees to thrive and live for as long as possible.

The best time to water your trees

The first step to consider is when is the best time to water your trees. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to this step. Yet, you should consider the following information and factors:

1 – There’s no strict schedule for watering trees. However, the best time to water is usually in the morning or evening. This is the time when the roots have the best chance of absorbing most of the water.

2 – There’s also no specific frequency for watering trees. How often you should water typically depends on the size of your tree, soil conditions, and weather conditions. Know that newly planted trees require much more water than established ones.

3 – The best way to determine when trees need watering is to check the soil. Look for moist, not soggy, soil. Check the soil with a garden trowel to a depth of two inches, and if the soil is dry, your tree needs some water.

How much water should you give your trees?

When it comes to the amount of water for your trees, consider this rule of thumb: ten gallons of water are required for every inch of the tree’s diameter. Make use of a ruler at knee height to measure or use your best judgment. When watering a certain amount of water, consider the following tips:

1 – Slow and deep watering: Experts suggest that slow and deep watering is your best option, which is why drip lines are the preferred method of watering. For one, drip irrigation loses less water to evaporation as compared to overhead watering or sprinkler systems. This method allows the critical root zone to take up adequate moisture. When doing so, make sure to water the entire area beneath the tree’s canopy. As much as possible, the depth should be ten inches.

2 – Consistent watering: There’s no secret to this step. You just need to practice regular watering. This is because keeping the soil consistently moist is essential to healthy trees. Make sure not to allow the soil to dry out completely because it will make your trees stressed, which makes them more prone to disease and infestation.

3 – Watering all year round: It is important to water your trees year-round. Don’t forget to water your trees even during winter. Though they may be dormant, they are still growing. Make sure to water your trees, particularly when the air and soil temperatures are above 40°F.

Effective watering methods

The Davey Institute suggests that the best way to water trees is through the deep watering method. This helps to keep your trees hydrated, particularly during dry spells and prolonged drought. Here’s what you need to know:

1 – Deep watering method: Clearly, there is much more to your trees than what you see above the ground. The deep watering method entails delivering the water right to where trees need it the most – their roots. This method involves carrying water eight to twelve inches into the ground, instead of merely wetting the surface.

2 – Best way to water trees: Know that when you water the ground’s surface, much of the water evaporates before it even reaches the roots. The deep watering method is effective because it reaches the roots and has less water evaporation. Trees with shallow roots struggle to intake enough water from the top of the soil during dry periods and drought. Deep watering solves these problems. It encourages trees to grow a deep root system. It can also save you time and money while creating healthier trees.  

3 – Watering plants can be good for YOU and your trees: Apart from the benefits your trees can get from watering them, it can be very therapeutic for you to be out in nature and watering your plants. You can incorporate some stretching or isometric exercises with your watering routine. While you’re at it, you can even scout your plants for insects, caterpillars, and other tree-related problems. Other than that, you can also work on your Vitamin D levels as you water the trees under the sun. Dealing with trees and communing with nature can bring a peaceful rest to your chaotic day.

The steps and valuable information outlined above can help you to properly take care of and water your trees. It is essential that you practice regular watering because you now know the benefits that it will give to your trees, yourself, and your property.

If you’re are looking to learn more about watering your trees properly, get in touch with a certified arborist in Orange County to see how we can help.

The Importance of Hiring a Qualified Arborist for Tree Services


Trees are a vital part of our ecosystem. Not only do they provide us with oxygen to breathe, but they add beauty and elegance to any outdoor space. Investing in the care of trees for your property can provide substantial returns for your community. 

Maintaining beautiful and healthy trees brings forth ecological benefits. On the other hand, leaving them unkempt can turn them into a liability and a potential hazard. 

Caring for trees can be quite different than caring for shrubbery or flowers. Trees—whether you are pruning or removing—require back-breaking effort and can be dangerous for untrained individuals. 

It takes special equipment as well as industry knowledge to properly care for trees. A lack of skill and experience can endanger the person performing the work. For that reason, hiring an arborist is essential to keep up the visual appeal, health, and structural soundness of the trees in your community. 


What Arborists Can Do for You

By definition, an arborist is a certified individual who is trained in the science and art of caring for, maintaining, and planting individual trees. When looking for a certified arborist, be sure to look for one accredited by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) (like us here at Monarch) or a member of the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA). To that end, here are some services that arborists can offer:

1. Tree Pruning 

A certified arborist will know how and when to prune trees. It may seem like a simple task, but incorrect procedures will only compromise the health of the tree. Additionally, an arborist has the knowledge to identify the type of pruning method necessary to enhance the appearance, overall health, and safety of the trees.

Professional pruning entails the following: 

  • Training young trees to help them develop a strong structure
  • Pruning the limbs to make way for light penetration and to increase airflow through the canopy 
  • Removing damaged branches and limbs 
  • Removing limbs that may obstruct other structures and potentially wound the tree
  • Removing dead, diseased, or weak limbs
  • Creating a better structure to boost the robustness of the tree against harsh winds or storms
  • Removing excessive weight at the ends of the branches
  • Creating a better shape in a damaged tree

2. Tree Health Care 

The state of your tree is vital, as poor health can turn it into a potential hazard for your surroundings or passers-by. Arborists have the expertise, tools, and experience to conduct preventive care and regular maintenance. A health care plan involves checking on the tree’s structure and overall health. 

With that in mind, arborists aim to maintain the tree’s structure and overall health to keep it strong against insects, diseases, and environmental conditions. 

It should be noted that urban settings can be more stressful to trees, so regular check-ups are in order. To that end, health care for trees involves the following: 

  • A preventive health and safety assessment of the tree
  • A spray or injection program to control certain insects or diseases
  • Proper aeration to improve root growth 
  • Supporting weak branches through cabling or bracing
  • Corrective pruning
  • Fertilization
  • Seasonal irrigation
Tree by a fence

3. Tree Removal 

Removing trees should always be a last resort. When it is necessary, however, investing in an arborist is a must. These professionals hold a Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ). This makes their professional opinion reliable as they have the knowledge and expertise to provide proper mitigation measures, which includes the removal of trees. 

Here are a few situations where tree removal may be necessary:

  • The tree has been deemed irreparably hazardous by a qualified arborist
  • The tree is being replaced by a different tree
  • The tree is crowding or harming other trees
  • The tree is dead or dying
  • The tree is located improperly in a construction or development site 

4. Tree Planting 

The task of planting trees isn’t as straightforward as it seems. It takes a professional and trained eye to determine the right soil and specific location for optimal growth, and fortunately, arborists are trained to do just that. 

Attempting to plant trees without proper analysis of the type of seed as well as the place can lead to disastrous results in the future. For instance, trees can struggle to grow from limited space, which can damage surrounding property or items as it continues to stretch. 

Additionally, planting large trees demands industry equipment and skills, making it all the more essential to seek the help of an ISA certified arborist for proper tree planting.

5. Emergency Tree Services

There are environmental factors that can compromise the health of your trees—natural disasters like storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, and more. These unfortunate events can break the limbs of the tree, and in some cases, strike it down entirely. 

Once the tree breaks, it can be a hazard to people as it can impact passers-by, buildings, cars, powerlines, and other trees. Once the tree is down, you will need an arborist to move it for you as doing it your own may be dangerous.

6. Other Tree Services

Beyond pruning, planting, health care, emergency services, and removal, an arborist can also provide the following services: 

  • Assess the value of a tree
  • Assess the hazard potential of a tree depending on its site conditions
  • Implement lightning protection systems in particular regions
  • Develop protection plans regarding trees on development and construction sites
  • Grind or remove stumps
  • Perform cabling 
  • Brace weak-limbed trees

Arborists can also offer services such as relocation of your trees, along with health consultations and health plans to prevent the development of diseases or damages. 

Even if you take pride in having a green thumb, caring for trees takes gardening to a whole different level as it involves complex techniques and tools.

If you’re are looking for a certified arborist in Orange County, get in touch with us to see how we can help.

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