Some time ago, disposable cameras were all the rage. They were fun, primarily because there was a bit of suspense baked into the outcome. One would never quite know if they captured the right photo until weeks later when the camera roll was dropped off and then picked up at a tiny house in the middle of some random shopping center. Nowadays, everything is digital and quick. We are able to evaluate, edit, and retake a photo that may not quite have left the impression we had hoped to remember.
For a long time, disposable razors, sandwich bags, and other one-time use products were considered both convenient and cheap. Now we know more about the effects of these products and have made a giant swing back to carrying eco-friendly jugs of water, shopping bags made of burlap, and paper straws. I’m all for long term sustainable practices because it’s part of stewarding and protecting what we have been given. Personally, I prefer to simply skip the straw and not have to deal with the paper ones, but I appreciate the effort people are making. For most of us it takes time to look beyond the now and ultimately understand the importance of appreciating the original.
Disposable cheapens the product and ultimately debases the intrinsic value of that in which it is attached to. You may have recently been laid off and left feeling like a juice box casually thrown to the wayside. Over the course of time life has a way of beating you down to a point that you feel disposable. You spent years working and now what? Some executives made a business decision that has now affected your whole life and most likely your outlook and personal self-worth.
I’m here to tell you that you are not disposable! You cannot be made by the thousands and there will never be someone quite like you. Situations don’t dictate who you are they provide opportunities for who you are going to be. The reality is that all those tiny houses that used to develop film are gone. Change is inevitable, change is good and sometimes change that is forced upon us is life’s way of getting you back on the road you were initially intended to walk.