Many of us have heard someone utter the statement- there is no such thing as a dumb question. We typically hear this right after someone asks a dumb question. Asking why instead of what and most importantly who is the beginning of a good question.
All of us have suffered trauma at the hands of one thing or another in this life. In fact, you haven’t really lived if you have not been unfairly beat up by something or someone. So what now? Asking why the trauma happened often leads to self-pity and a never-ending supply of excuses. Asking yourself, “what will this trauma be used for” suddenly changes the paradigm. All of the sudden this sack of stones that you have been carrying around now becomes building blocks for future steps.
Let’s take it one step further, ask Who? Who will I be able to encourage, empathize with, and support because we have a shared trauma? When we begin to see negatives as passports to help others, we use what was once intended for damage and make it entirely useful and redemptive.
Flip the Script,