
Much of life feels like firefighting. We run around pouring water on flames and stomping out embers from past fires to prevent future flare-ups. These fires typically consist of relational issues, bills, lack of employment, anxiety, family, and an overall feeling of being unsettled.

The dragon in your life is happy to see you play volunteer firefighter. He laughs at our attempts to manage the heat with our bucket and garden hoses. He relishes the opportunity to keep you occupied while he hides in the corner.

The challenge for you all this week is to take a step back and find the dragon. We are spending too much time mitigating the damage when we should be picking up our sword and addressing the root cause of the inferno. Sure, some things may sizzle while you are on the hunt, but this may be your only shot to get to where you were meant to be.

Level Up,

Matt Davenport
