Seal Team Costco – MCFTM
Recently, my wife and I made a trip to Costco to grocery shop in hopes of not returning to the store for several weeks. The challenge is that we have 9 people living in our house right now. My wife, 5 kids and the in-laws make shopping in bulk a necessity. Going to Costco at this juncture of the virus feels like a seal team six operation. We plan for days, wear masks, gloves and try to pick a time that we believe is most opportune to attack the oversized palettes lining the walls. Prior to the outbreak, Costco trips were delightful. We would peruse the aisles to get what we needed but often ended up leaving with what we wanted. Brilliant placement and poor self-discipline would lead to us throwing palettes of fancy organic fill in the blanks on the regular.
But the recent trips to Costco have been different. My wife and I huddled in our 12- passenger van prior to deployment. Like Patton directing his troops, I stated prior to engagement, we are here to buy not to shop. As we broke the huddle, fully suited up we entered the retail pantheon. She grabbed her cart and I grabbed mine. We split the list and gave each other a look of determination and love all mixed into one.
There I was, alone with my cart and my list. The list in hand included itemized essentials. Meat, adult beverages, chips, salsa, cheese and sides for our dinners. Halfway through my mission I began to scan other members’ carts as well as my own. It dawned on me that the items in the carts were mostly luxury items not essentials. I like to think of myself as being tough and self-disciplined. However, in the midst of a worldwide pandemic my Costco cart is telling a different story.
As I approach the frozen food section it’s all coming into focus. This hardship is stripping away the convenience and luxury that I have come to demand. Wow! As I see my wife merging into the checkout lane behind me it’s now crystal clear. Everything I have ever needed is already in my cart. I have an amazing wife, a fantastic family, an awesome career and friends with whom I would go to battle.
What’s in your cart? Is it possible that we have become so self-indulgent that we are focusing on what is lost and losing sight of what we have? This week, I encourage you all to take inventory of the tremendous blessings in your cart. The what if’s and unknown nature of this epidemic is shaking the impatience, needy and presumptuous attitude right out of us. But if you take a good look at what is in your cart you will find items that cannot be shaken. Family, love, hard work and truth.
No doubt this week will have its ups and downs. Be sure to reach into your cart and be thankful that you have been given all the essentials you will need for your journey.
You were made for such a time as this,
Matt Davenport